“L.I.G.H.T. is a personal journey that explores forgiveness, legacy, and finding true identity and purpose through faith in Jesus. The author, Nancy Fujii, shares her own resilience, transformation, and faith journey, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to God to live in freedom through his truth and love. Through her personal stories and reflections, she invites readers to embark on their own journey of forgiveness, legacy, and discovering their true identity in Christ. ​This thought-provoking and inspiring story encourages readers to reflect on their relationship with God and the transformative power of faith in Jesus, making them feel understood and not alone in their struggles.”

“Nancy's transformation from secular to Godly, from wanton to fulfilled, from controlling to servant leader is one for the ages. I have a library of hundreds of books, but LIGHT has a special place of honor. She has done the hard work, accepted the grace and peace of Christ and now serves every day to display His honor and glory. Your experiences and righteous admonishments stand as a testament to Lord's transforming power and love.”

“LIGHT is a beautiful and powerful story of faith that is sure to touch the lives of many. Nancy's honestly and gifts with language make her story - from the depths of darkness to the brightest of LIGHT - so compelling that once you start reading, you won't stop. Thankfully I started her book on a cross country flight so I had no interruptions! Thank you Nancy, for reminding us all of the power of Gods love.”

“It is a moving memoir of a beautiful soul with her initial journey of brokenness, only to meet God's love at the lowest point of her life. Nancy's story reminds me of my purpose in life --- to know, love and serve God. Her faith journey is full of God's love --- forgiveness of those who hurt her most and using her talents and life lessons to help others find God.”

“Just wow! This book was so captivating I was on the edge of my chair. The author was so brave to share her truth with the hope of helping others heal. This book will increase heaven's population by winning souls, it's mind blowing how God works, speaks and arrest's us to do his will regardless of our past or present.”

“Nancy takes you on a journey of honest and real transformation from total human brokenness to a light that starts shining through the cracks into a glorious resurrection of the soul. It brought me to tears of sorrow and joy. It brought me a story of hope. God will use her story to change lives.”

“I cannot imagine the courage it takes for the author to be so naked and vulnerable to leave her whole life out in the open. Yet somehow I feel the purpose is to use her life as a means to lead other’s to God, for this I know it must be pleasing to God!

I have learned quite a bit from this book. Some key points will stay with me for the rest of my life, such as:

- “If you live by people’s approval, you will die by their criticism.”

- To be "R.E.A.L." Respectful, Encouraging, Accepting, and Loving

- “People don’t leave legacies; they live legacies.”

There is also a lot to reflect on through what what the author encountered during the “forgiveness process.””